Dear FEAR Members and FEAR Players,

Due to the cancellation of the PUL on the 25th July 2018 the FEAR club has rescheduled it’s AGM to Wednesday, 8th August 2018 at 7:30pm at the Wembley Hotel, 344 Cambridge St, Wembley after the PUL game.

If you are a member please attend to vote the new committee for 2018/2019 and to have your say about the future of the club.  Nominations for committee positions will be taken from now until on the night of the AGM (please email your nomination to the committee).  All members (full and associate) are eligible to nominate for committee positions.

Current committee is:
President – Regine Endres
Vice President – Jenna Shenton
Treasurer – Gareth McDonald
Secretary – Camille Domingo

Notice of motions to alter, repeal or add to the constitution:

Please download the FEAR constitution with the suggested changes to comply with the “Associations Incorporation Act 2015”.

This invite is also for all FEAR players that are not members. You are welcome to come along and listen, but you are not allowed to vote.

Kind regards

FEAR Committee