The 2007 AGM for the Fear Ultimate Disc Club (FUDC) is now re-rescheduled for the19thof September 2007, at 8.30pm right after PUL. It will be hosted up at ballens office in the Hockey Stadium, at UWA Sports Park complex (McGillivray Oval). Agenda is as follows;...
read moreClub Polo Shirts
The new FEAR polo shirts have arrived, and they look . . . well, fantastic - see for yourself! Seen recently on the catwalks of Milan, Paris, and Sydney, these shirts will quickly become the hottest commodity in the Ultimate clothing market. These first edition...
read moreTraining Sessions
Here are the scheduled dates/times for training for the next couple of months. Sessions alternate Sat/Sun to try to suit as many people as possible. Sat Jul 14th - Training Sun Jul 29th - UWA WInter Solstice Tournament Sat Aug 11th - Training Sun Aug 26th - Training...
read moreFundraising – Wine sales
Once again, the FEAR Ultimate Disc Club is selling cleanskin wines in order to raise funds, this time to help purchase team uniforms for use at Perth Ultimate League, and at tournaments. You can help out by sending this flyer to all your friends, family, co-workers,...
read moreLogos Finalised
After an extensive review process, the official FEAR logos have been selected. There are three variations - a stylised 'F' with a figure laying out for a disc, the same with 'FEAR Ultimate' written underneath, and the word 'Fear' in the same stylised font, with the...
read moreAnnual General Meeting
So it's AGM time. Everybody hates long, boring meetings, so we'll try to keep this as short as possible. Date/time/location will be posted here as soon as it's finalised, and will also be officially announced on the FEAR mailing list. It will likely be early...
read moreNew Logo Samples (Updated!)
Here are some samples of the logo ideas that Ken and bakes have been tossing around. Click on a sample for a larger image.
read moreTeam Meeting Outcomes
The team meeting held Sunday 11th Feb was quite productive, with a number of important items resolved. However, there are still a few things that require discusssion from all FEAR members. These items will be raised on the mailing list, so join that if you are not...
read moreFear Discinsonia at Aus Nationals 2007
Update: Well we came close, but not close enough. We fell a few players short of getting enough for a competitive squad to compete at Nationals. Hopefully we'll be able to get a team up for Mixed Nationals. After a very quiet reception to my earlier request for...
read moreFEAR Club Special Meeting
The FEAR Ultimate Disc Club is holding a special club meeting on Sunday, 11th February to discuss a number of important items pertaining to thefuture directions of the club. All club members (and non-members with something to contribute) are encouraged to attend....
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