Sunday 11th December is the inaugural FEAR North v South Grudge Match, which will be followed by the End-Of-Year BBQ.  Everyone associated with the club – players, partners, kids, sometimes-players, are all welcome to come along.

  • Arrive: 9:00-9:15 ish to put on cleats & sunscreen, warm up, etc.
  • Game: 9:30
  • BBQ: 11:30
  • Location: South Perth Foreshore , near Hurlingham St car park (head east from car park towards Causeway)
  • Cost: FREE

All players please bring a green and a white shirt, a hat and plenty of water. After the game a fine 3-Michelin-Hat gourmet meal is not provided, but we will have some sausages-in-a-bun various salad fillers to maintain nutritional balance. Some soft drinks will be supplied, but BYO alcoholic drinks. (Remember that FEAR encourages responsible consumption of alcohol).

Please RSVP so I know how much food to bring. You can email me, reply to the Facebook event page, or tick the box for your name on the ‘Who-Is-In’ page at